September 27, 2003

Hiking near Brannenburg.

September 6, 2003

Rafting on the Isar river.

June 22, 2003

Hiking at Spitzingsee.

June 21, 2003

Photo gallery restructured.

June 17, 2003

Hiking in Jachenau.

June 10, 2003

Dinosaurs in Frankfurt.

April 11, 2003

More skiing pictures.

April 6, 2003

Pinakothek der Moderne.

April 5, 2003

Fishcop days.

March 4, 2003

Dachau 2003 pages added to photo gallery.

March 1, 2003

Munich 2002 pages added to photo gallery.

February 24, 2003

Waidring 2001 pages added to photo gallery.

February 22, 2003

Photo gallery added.

February 20, 2003

More rabbits.

January 31, 2003

Analog Insydes Developers’ Corner added.

January 27, 2003

Sigi kept complaining about the page design: “too crude”, “old-fashioned looking 3D borders”, “you didn’t gamma-correct any of my pictures”, ... *Blah blah*, what does a rabbit know about web design? He was right, though. So here is what I spent the whole weekend on.